Coaches and Athletes to Take the Pledge to End Underage Drinking

Published On: August 28, 2019Categories: Media Coverage, News

Talk It Out NC is expanding its current pledge program to include coaches and athletes. The relationship between a coach and their players is unique and can offer an excellent opportunity to talk about the effects of underage drinking.

The Coach/Athlete Pledge encourages coaches to create a supportive team environment that does not include alcohol. It also includes a promise to help an athlete when in trouble. The athlete promises to lead by example and support other teammates who choose not to drink. This pledge program is a tool for coaches to help their athletes be their best selves.

Our Talk It Out campaign has been endorsed by high school and college coaches in North Carolina. We are heavily involved with the North Carolina Coaches Association and the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. Having the endorsement of college coaches carries even more weight with young people.

As you can see on our YouTube channel, , coaches such as Mack Brown, Mike Fox, Mike Krzyzewski, Elliott Avent, and others have offered their support. We would love to have yours as well.