Alcohol Prevention
County: Dare Grantee: Dare CASA / SOLD OUT Title: Alcohol [...]
County: Dare Grantee: Dare CASA / SOLD OUT Title: Alcohol [...]
Name of Board: Elizabethtown County: Bladen Grantee: Southeastern Crossroads Title of Project: Southeastern Crossroads [...]
Name of Board: West Jefferson County: Ashe Grantee: Mary Howell Title of Project: Alcohol [...]
Name of Board: Sparta County: Alleghany Grantee: Mary Howell Title: Alcohol Prevention Description: [...]
County: Buncombe Grantee: North Buncombe High School Title: Community Outreach [...]
County: Guilford Grantee:Communities in Schools of High Point, Inc. Title: [...]
County: Brunswick Grantee: Brunswick Sheriff's Charitable Foundation Title: Anchor Initiative [...]
County: Iredell Grantee: Aftershock Youth Empowerment Title: Substance abuse and [...]
County: Iredell Grantee: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Piedmont [...]
County: Iredell Grantee: Boy Scouts Title: Statesville Area Scout Strong [...]