Alcohol Awareness Month

Lend Your Voice — Share Your Story — Start the Conversation

The Importance of Alcohol Awareness Month

Alcohol Awareness Month, observed every April since 1987, strives to raise awareness about the risks of alcohol misuse, reduce the stigma surrounding it, and provide resources to promote treatment and prevention.  

Talk it Out NC highlights this month to underscore our core mission — preventing underage drinking. Teens who drink alcohol are more likely to experience alcohol and substance use disorders as adults. During Alcohol Awareness Month and all year long, we aim to educate youth and communities to prevent the long-term consequences of early alcohol misuse. We need you to Lend Your Voice — Share Your Story — Start the Conversation about the risks of underage drinking.

We’d like to thank Governor Roy Cooper for his proclamation recognizing April as Alcohol Awareness Month in North Carolina.

Get Involved

All month, Talk it Out NC is hosting events to get teens, parents, coaches, mentors, and others involved in preventing underage drinking and alcohol misuse.  

Watch our informative webinars and trainings!

Alcohol Awareness… Are You Aware?

Hosted by NC ABC Commission staff

Many teens struggle with alcohol misuse and addiction. In seeking recovery, they’re not alone, and neither are their families and loved ones. Join our roundtable discussion about underage drinking challenges and prevention and treatment resources with students and parents representing Wake Monarch Academy, a school in Raleigh that provides a recovery-based environment for students to successfully pursue academic, personal, and professional goals. Using their first-hand experiences, our participants will reflect on issues like peer pressure, impaired driving, asking for help, and lessons learned that are valuable for both teens and parents.

Use Our Alcohol Awareness Month Toolkit to Lend Your Voice Share Your Story Start the Conversation

We’ve put together a host of resources to make this Alcohol Awareness Month the most impactful yet – for families and organizations. Browse our toolkit and utilize any of the following resources to help prevent underage drinking.

Lend Your Voice

Use the power of your voice to be an advocate for North Carolina youth and share the Alcohol Awareness Month message with your social network. Use our social media content to spread the word about the dangers of underage drinking and the power that conversations can have to encourage prevention.

  • Whether you’re a teen, a parent, a coach, or a mentor, you can Take the Pledge to prevent underage drinking.

Share Your Story

You can support the mission to prevent underage drinking by sharing your story.

Submit a video with your story about underage drinking. Did you overcome peer pressure? Are you in active recovery and want to help others who are struggling? Do you have tips or words of wisdom that may be helpful to teens or their parents about underage drinking?

Check out stories from other North Carolinians about the dangers of underage drinking:

Start the Conversation

Use our conversation starters to get talking:

Watch & share our videos for inspiration on conversation starters:

Share the facts about underage drinking:

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