Safe Kids Stanly County
Name of Board: Albemarle
County: Stanly
Grantee: Safe Kids Stanly County
Title of Project: Safe Kids Stanly County
Description of project: Prom promise, mock car crashes, work with TIO, utilize the speaker bureau through TIO, billboard with TIO slogans, and information on TIO the movie theaters, and works with the teachers — they are asking about texting and driving, vaping, and marijuana. Do education, presentations at the high school, bring in crashed cars, mock car crash, actors, makeup artist to make it look real to reduce drinking and driving. If they cannot get to all the high schools, they send a speaker.
Why you chose it: They have been doing it for years, and they see that it works.
Who this project impacted: High school students in the county
Results of project: YRBSS – recently completed but does not have results.