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Stop Underage Drinking

Get the help you need to talk openly and honestly about underage drinking, peer pressure, and more

Talk To Your Teenagers About Underage Drinking

Talking with young people about underage drinking doesn’t have to be awkward. Are you looking for help to Start the Conversation about underage drinking? Show your support and open the lines of communication today. We’ve got your back.

Start the Conversation

The Truth About Underage Drinking

First, the good news. Efforts to stop underage drinking are having a positive impact. Overall, fewer young people are consuming alcohol today than in previous years.

However, there’s still plenty of work to be done. Underage drinking remains too common across all age groups. That’s why it’s essential to start the conversation and then keep it going with anyone in your life who is under 21.

of 14-to 15-year-olds reported having already had their first drink.1
of 14- to 15-year-olds reported having already had their first drink2
of underage females reported drinking alcohol in the past month.3
of all fatal teen crashes in North Carolina involved alcohol in 2021.4
of middle schoolers have driven with a driver under the influence.5

Enter our Dine & Shine Prom Night Sweepstakes!

Learn more about the dangers of underage drinking and its effects on the adolescent brain

Recognize The Signs

Concerned that a young person you know is drinking underage? We can help you identify the warning signs and determine the next best steps to provide the support they need.

Learn More

What You Can Do

If you’ve spotted the warning signs of underage drinking in a young person you know, now’s the time to take action. Whether it’s understanding the risks, sharing the research, or simply needing somewhere to start – we can help!

Get Started

Preventing Underage Drinking Is A Job for Everyone

Preventing underage drinking is important work that requires commitment from the entire North Carolina community. Through the Talk it Out NC campaign, we communicate the dangers of underage and teen drinking, and provide tools and resources that help coaches, educators, faith leaders, and the rest of our NC parenting community discuss the topic with young people they influence.

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