Take The Pledge As A Team
Talk it Out NC can help student-athletes and coaches work together to win against underage drinking
Get Your Head In The Game
Talk it Out NC supports coaches and players who choose to stand up to underage drinking, peer pressure, and impaired driving. Take the Pledge and Start The Conversation with your student-athletes.

Coaches, You Have A Unique Relationship With Young Adults
You’re a mentor, a person providing guidance, a person that students tend to look up to and respect, and a friend. You’re in a great position to be a role model – you’re in the position to shape muscles and the mind. Show you genuinely care about the wellbeing of your student-athletes and Start The Conversation early about the dangers of underage drinking.
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Talk it Out NC Celebrates 10 Years of Spreading Awareness About Underage Drinking Prevention
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24 Sober & Fun Family Activities for All Ages
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