Simulated Impact of Distracted or Impaired Driving
County: Cherokee
Grantee: Hinton Rural Life Center
Title: Simulated Impact of Distracted or Impaired Driving
Description: The Hinton Center partnered with the Clay County Sheriff’s office and their School Resource Officer to educate students of the affects and impact of alcohol and other substance use as it relates to distracted driving. Supplies were purchased from Innocorp, Ltd which provided a variety of activities to experience the simulated impact of distracted driving.
Why This Project Was Chosen: We chose the Hinton Center to receive alcohol education funds because of their outstanding reputation in the community and region, as well as our desire to help fund their drug and alcohol coalition program.
Who This Project Impacted: Students of Clay, Cherokee and Graham County Schools
Results of Project: Students were able to get “real” about the dangers of driving impaired.