How To Get Started
You can prevent underage drinking and start the conversation around alcohol with the teens and young adults in your life.
Lead With The Facts
Details Matter.
Be prepared to answer teens’ questions and communicate the truth about alcohol. Talk it Out NC will help you get started by giving you the facts on underage drinking.
Be Prepared.
Preventing underage drinking starts by being ready to take advantage of everyday situations with the children in your life. Get tips on how to start the conversation and keep it going.
Know The Consequences.
Alcohol has short- and long-term effects on the developing brain. Discover the facts on why preventing underage drinking is essential for creating good mental, physical, and emotional health.
Start The Conversation Young
It’s Never Too Early.
Prevent underage drinking by talking with young people long before you think they could get exposed to alcohol. By finding teachable moments with them as early as 5 to 7 years old, you can help normalize the conversation and prevent them from getting involved in risky behaviors as they grow up.
Know Your Audience.
Age-appropriate conversations about the risks of underage drinking can help to reduce the likelihood of future substance use disorders and other consequences.
Talk About Underage Drinking
More Conversation Is Better
Keeping the lines of communication open from an early age will set the tone and ensure young people know they can come to you any time with their questions about underage drinking.
Make It A New Normal.
Use everyday situations — meals, driving in the car, doing chores — as opportunities for honest conversations about drinking alcohol. The more regularly you talk about it, the more natural it will be!
Talk With Your Children, Not At Them
Make It A Team Effort.
Ongoing two-way communication can help empower young people to make good choices and avoid situations that might be dangerous. Instead of a one-way lecture, give them the facts on underage drinking, ask for their perspective or to share their experience, then find out how you can help them in the future.
Before They Go Out, Ask The 5 Ws
Show young people you care about their safety and well-being by asking these five questions:
Where are you going?
What will you be doing?
Who else will be there?
When will you be home?
Will there be alcohol?
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