Take the Pledge
Talk it Out NC can help you with the tools you need to confidently say no
Ready To Take The Talk it Out NC Pledge?
To help you Start the Conversation about the dangers of underage drinking, Talk it Out NC started a Pledge Program that gives the parenting community and their children, or coaches and their student-athletes, the opportunity to discuss and commit to underage alcohol abstinence.
By completing the Pledge Card, you’ll benefit from shared accountability and know with certainty that you’re working together to prevent the risks associated with underage drinking. We’ll send you periodic updates with useful tips and resources to help you with alcohol abstinence, and to inform you of upcoming events, like Talk it Out webinars.
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Talk it Out NC Guides Families Through Dangers of Underage Drinking During National Impaired Driving Prevention Month
Statewide Initiative Shows Parents How to Start The Conversation About Teenage Alcohol Misuse RALEIGH, N.C. – (December 2, 2024) – [...]
How Many Teens Drink Alcohol?
Being a teen is an exciting time — experiencing more freedom, learning to drive, making post-graduation plans, and other fun [...]
How Do I Tell My Parents I Need Help?
Being a teenager can be challenging. Juggling the demands of school and extracurricular activities, navigating social situations and relationships with [...]
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